
Deposit button — allows you to remotely send money to the machine, for example, in case of need to refund the customer. Remote deposits are considered an expense in the reports and are always automatically deducted from the Income figures.

Other settings options depend on what you selected in the Settings tab. Use the info icon next to each parameter to find out its tag.

Below you can find detailed info about POS terminal settings and Recipe teaching mode.

POS terminal settings
  • Payment timeout in seconds means that if the set time is exceeded, someone in the payment chain hasn't responded in time. This could be us, your bank, or the payment processor

  • Vend timeout in seconds means that if the set time is exceeded, the sale is considered completed

  • The interval in which the payment request restarts is the time after the payment timeout exceeds

Recipe teaching and testing mode

This section applies to the following coffee machines:

  • Dr.Coffee Minibar/CoffeeBar

  • Dr.Coffee M12

  • Dr.Coffee F2

  • Dr.Coffee F3

  • Dr.Coffee F10

  • Dr.Coffee F20

  • Dr.Coffee F100

  • Dr.Coffee CoffeeBreak

  • Dr.Coffee CoffeeCentre

  • Dr.Coffee C11

  • Dr.Coffee H2

  • Kaffit K95L/K96L

First fill out the resources, products, and matrix templates and set up the product matrix for that specific machine. Then you can go back to the Recipe teaching and testing mode.

  1. Select Testing mode and click Save.

  2. Check if the task is completed in the History tab.

  3. Customize the drinks on the coffee machine. When the drinks setup is complete, go back to your SmVend account.

  4. Change Testing mode to Teaching mode and click Save.

  5. Check if the task is completed in the History tab.

  6. Press on each drink in the coffee machine in the same order as you have in your Product matrix. When done, go back to your SmVend account.

  7. Change Teaching mode to Default mode and click Save.

  8. Check if the task is completed in the History tab.

  9. Reboot the coffee machine.

Last updated