
In the Stocks tab, you can check and regulate the amount of resources left in the machine. Resources automatically appear in this section once you've filled out the product matrix of the machine.

The logic is based on the fact that the max refill quantity you indicate in the product matrix counts as 100%. The bare minimum of each resource is 20%. When the resource stock in the machine is below 20%, it's highlighted in red, warning you to refill it.

You can refill the resource beyond the max refill quantity, but with a warning that you are refilling more than you are meant to.

How to set up Stocks for a product that consists of only 1 ingredient?

If your business involves selling one-piece products (like soda cans or tennis balls) you will need to set up Stocks so that 1 product consists of 1 ingredient. You can read the step-by-step instructions here.

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